Over the past six months or so, I have had to face up to the fact that I need a hearing aid. I'm deaf in my right ear. Nearly 60% deaf. It's strange-- I thought it was "just wax" and when Joan, the Nurse Practitioner at the Family Health Network reamed out my ears, I thought she hadn't done a complete job, since I still couldn't hear well out of my right ear. Noooo.... she said, "go to an audiologist". So off I went to Canada Hears and lo and behold, I really couldn't hear. Hearing aid time.
Hey, only old people have hearing aids. Not so, as my daughter pointed out, some of her best friends have had hearing aids since they were little. I felt very Politically Incorrect. And old. But given the family history of osteoarthritis (in the ear???), it's not that surprising. Unlike my uncle Leopold Kohr, who was stone deaf and most annoying -- and must have been frustrated himself, because his hearing aid, that looked like some sort of big recording device he'd hold up to your face (someone at a cocktail party once leaned into it and said "testing, testing, one, two, three" assuming it was, in fact, going to record him, as Uncle Poldi merely was trying to hear him better). Anyway, I'm not STONE deaf, just on the right side.
So, stand to my left, wouldya?
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