It has been a long time since I've written anything here--life gets in the way, with changing jobs, more renovations, thinking about how and what I want to do... Right now I am enjoying working in an environment where I can actually feel change happening--where there are opportunities to be creative in ways that will improve patient care, by sharing knowledge.
I like this concept. It seems that we spend a lot of time spinning our wheels or reinventing the wheel-- looking for solutions to what are actually fairly simple things. For example, in my world, how to heal a wound is sometimes not the important question, but exploring the reasons behind why a wound won't heal would be the place(s) to look.
If you take away someone's specialty bed because the "system" will only cover the cost for 2 months, and the person has a wound that is likely not going to heal because the individual is unable to walk...then economically, what is the purpose of continuing to throw nursing care, dressings, etc at someone who really won't heal without that bed surface or some way to off-load the pressure and manage the drainage?
so in my "new" world, can I make change happen? Maybe not quick enough for this patient, but perhaps help to put in place some mechanisms so we pay more attention to the underlying (ha ha) issues rather than the "put a bandaid on it and walk away" approach. I hope so. For now, I'm an optimist.
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